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17' x 22' • $80/hr • $115/hr with Yamaha U1 upright piano
Guitar Amps:
Louis Electric KR 112 / Fender Vibroverb
Headstrong Lil King S / 1957 Fender Tweed Twin
Bogner Shiva / Fuchs Overdrive Supreme
Marshall JCM 800 50 Watt Combo
Bass Amp:
Smith Audio Euphoric Cabinet
(mic'd with Neumann microphones)
6000-watt EAW bi-amp stereo
Allen & Heath GL2400 32 input mixer
Lexicon PCM 81 / Shure Beta-87 mics
5 JBL monitor mixes
Tascam SS-200 CD-R/USB Recorder:
no charge if you provide media or
$3 for a CD
$12 for a flash drive
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